First of all: there is no official app. Any app you find is a 3rd-party port. But I'll second the recommendation for KeePass2Android. The main reason is three specific features: merge option on save rather than blind overwrite, keyboard integration to avoid the clipboard, and quick unlock feature (after database is already open) using partial password (or fingerprint if your phone offers it).

Feb 17, 2020 · Keepass2Android is an open source password manager application for Android. It is compatible with the popular KeePass 2.x Password Safe for Windows and aims at simple synchronization between devices. Some highlights of the app: * Stores all your passwords in a securely encrypted vault May 28, 2014 · Keepass2Android app allows you to look up any password and copy it to your clipboard but if you want the same autofill feature from desktop browsers, you need to do a bit of work. But it is May 18, 2016 · KeePass overview. Not quite as slick as a commercial password manager such as 1Password, which itself has been in the news this week, KeePass gathers much deserved praise over the way in which it generates and stores encryption keys locally, and the fact that it does not store your passwords on a centralised database that could be susceptible to hacking. Dec 01, 2013 · Keepass2Android is a password manager app for Android (compatible with Keepass 2.x for PC). This video introduces the basic functionality.

Sep 06, 2018 · Keepass2Android Mobile Application. The most serviceable Android Keepass2 implementation is the aptly named Keepass2Android, which is actively developed and available through the Google Play store. It too has OTP functionality, eloquently implemented.

Review coming soon. Transparency Open source (GPL-3.0) Maintenance / updates under development MiKee. New app in beta stage. Review coming soon. Transparency Open source (GPL-3.0) Maintenance / updates under development. There is a direct link to each app, feel free to try them. KeePass / Discussion / Open Discussion: KeePass for

2 days ago · While Keepass2Android is a completely basic Android app, it looks more modern than some other password managers' apps. Critically, it did what it needed to do. Turning to iOS, I went with

Nov 15, 2019